Transcending the immanence by Humanism.
Transcending is overcome, improve, create, develop, progress.
Immanence is our reality works, projects with their materials, equipments, employees, technology and results.
Humanism is the respect, trust and affection which we receive.
HAP Engenharia Ltda. It began its operations in 1990, building affordable housing in an innovative way, by funding low-income population, deprived of access to public resources at the time of the Brazilian economy. It was born a creative company in order to work out and solve works necessary to the communities.
In the following years, it expanded its activities to the sectors of rail infrastructure, road and urban, hospital buildings, commercial and industrial and environmental sanitation.
Today it participates in major projects and PPP – Public Private Partnership, and is a concessionaire of the New Mineirão.
Mission and Vision
Integrating talents in the building quality of life.
Building the best there is.
Customers and partners will recognize us as essential to their success.
Our employees will rejoice and achievements in the HAP.
The Company will recognize our responsibility and competence.
The HAP Engineering operates all aspects of its business ethically.
This includes: respect for the rights of their employees, non-discriminatory policies, incentives for dialogue and constructive criticism, safe and healthy conditions of work; fair and honest treatment to our employees, allies, partners, everyone with whom we do business and people and organizations affected by our operations; timely and accurate information to shareholders on investments, opportunities and risks.
Our employees are expressly instructed to refute and not participate in dishonest business practices, and all our agreements with agents and representatives contain similar prohibitions.
Integrated Management
HAP Engineering, working in the civil construction, it has the commitment to integrate the issues of quality and environmental activities and practices of the company, in order to add value to its business through the Integrated Management System. Because of that, the HAP Engineering is committed to:
– Reducing the waste of materials.
– Recycling, reuse and minimize production of waste.
– Encouraging and practice responsible use of natural resources.
– Motivating employees to act in a safe and environmentally friendly, according to the quality requirements applicable to the activity that each person plays.
– Establishing partnership with suppliers that attend appropriate standards and practices to preserve the environment.
– Preventing the occurrence of significant environmental impacts, ensuring continuous improvement.
– Complying the environmental laws, contractual requirements, providing quality services and attending customer needs.
Health and Safety
HAP ENGINEERING considers the health and safety factors fundamental to the achievement of a successful business and promoting the welfare of our employees and all those involved in our activities and business.
The risk of accidents in our daily work is studied and the safety control structure. Each employee has a duty to perform their job responsibly, fulfilling the requirements of individual and collective security.
The Hap seeks to preserve and protect the integrity of the work, involving everyone the most of this policy to practice healthy behaviors and attitudes as safe and legal requirements.
Social Responsibility
HAP Engineering is Social Responsibility and enforces labor laws, and especially:
. Prohibition of use of child labor;
. Repudiation of any form of work that reduce the worker to a condition analogous to slavery;
. Ensuring maintenance of a safe working environment and healthy by identifying and eliminating potential risks to the workers;
. Respect for freedom of association and the right to collective bargaining;
. Repudiation of all forms of discrimination;
. Sealing the application of corporal punishment and any form of mental or physical coercion, including sexual harassment;
. Respect the legal determinations and conventional for duration of working hours and compensation of employees.
Hap Engineering sponsors international competitions and Equestrian sports in needy regions in Brazil.