The Federal Government’s release guarantees the continuity of the
Contour of Pelotas (RS). At the end of February, a contribution of R $ 11 million was authorized for the works.
HAP Engenharia has already started the demolition services of a former Federal Highway Police checkpoint. The location on the BR-116, near the access to Pelotas by Fernando Osório Avenue, will receive a new lane.
This is the only stretch of lot 1-A that is not yet duplicated. With the first traffic release in March 2015, Contorno de Pelotas operates with approximately 16 kilometers of double track, including two bridges and six viaducts. A total of R $ 60 million is required to complete the project.
Beginning in 2013, works in the Pelotas Contorno are 88.5% completed. In this new phase two points that intersect with the BR-392 will be built: the viaducts of the avenue Viscondessa da Graça and the Duque de Caxias avenue.
For the first the estimate of completion is December while the other will have one of the tracks completed and released, but total delivery still depends on expropriation.